natalie shelly studio

natalie shelly studio

lately | found and drawn

February 19, 2014

  A collection of stills from this snowy landscape that continues to surround us.  - Macomb, IL

Lately, I've been in love with the contrast of dried plants and seeds against the snow. The lines they hold are graceful and the plentifulness of the remaining seeds is driving my making in the studio.

I hope inspiration is finding you in unexpected places as well!


5/52 - in the studio

February 2, 2014

It was a wonderful week.

I enjoyed a beautiful 31st birthday and days in the studio working a collection of hand-built slab mugs. Bliss.

Sunday brings a day of traveling as I return to the Mary Anderson Center for the Arts to take down my recent show, Path. Thanks so much to everyone who took time to visit the work and those who came out to celebrate at the reception. Your love and support is contagious.

Wishing you a wonderful week,


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